David Scott Clegg

Author | Contributor | Transcendent Thinker

Articles for the Month of April 2014

Windows and Mirrors

Windows and MirrorsLife offers us a view, a gaze if one dare enter into such places unknown to the mind human. For there is a field within which may reveal to us the answers to the questions, even those yet to raised in consciousness; a place where Truth may be known. The master Rumi refers to such when sharing:

‘Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.’

How to enter the hallowed grounds can be a tricky tale indeed. For it requires of us that we dare to gaze, take a chance glance at romance, not the one captured in the fairy tales of the heart, but beyond the illusions and into where true Love resides. Whatever power governs this world, It has provided us with as many windows, as many mirrors as is required to see with clarity. The windows into the depths of the other; the mirrors as provided by so many, reflections of the greater truth of us. All are friends in our greater pursuit, the treasure hunt of the elusive, the Love within the love which beckons us all.

It is in our awareness of such, our attunement to such, our atonement with such, where we may find at-one-ment in such. Each embrace with another provides a mirror, and a window. It is ours for the choosing whether we maintain the courage required, which may only come from the essence of the word itself, le coeur, or ‘the heart’…the courage to see the many sides of us, merged as one central truth to be known. The windows provide passageway into the same through the the depths of the other.



Through me…

Through you…

To Him, Her, It in whatever form we choose to know That which breathes us all… beckons us so… to come home.

I will be there soon, perhaps not soon enough. Yet be there, I will.

I will meet you There.