David Scott Clegg

Author | Contributor | Transcendent Thinker

Defining Community (Beijing Review)

Beijing ReviewCommunication and collaboration—the ability to listen, understand, then do something meaningful with the information provided through openness and exchange—has been fundamental to the growth and development of the individual, societies, and humanity. It remains so still. This reality is at the center of the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations (CDAC), their histories, cultural interactions, challenges and opportunities as Asian nations. Under the auspices of President Xi Jinping, China seeks to build a community with a shared future for humanity.

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The Role of Education in Societal Progress and Sustainability (Beijing Review)

Periods of enlightenment, of the individual and of society in its totality, have marked the path of mankind throughout history. Nations have been forged from the imagination, arisen through reason, concretized through common sense and practicality, ripe with possibility to improve the human and world condition. The arc of characters echoing through the chambers of time, timely in message and meaning even today, have been as diverse as they have been divulging in answer to our most basic questions, needs…

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A Tale of Two Nations (Beijing Review)

Why China’s narrative is relevant in the world today

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness…”

In his novel A Tale of Two Cities, famed British author Charles Dickens was speaking not of two cities per se, but two experiences, perspectives, and of a divergence of ideals that resulted in the convergence of disharmonious forces. And while his setting was centuries in the past, he might well have been invoking the global landscape of today, one of nations in dichotomy central to our collective fate as humanity.

China and the United States, a tale of two nations, a destiny shared by one world.

The remarkable story of China’s reemergence as a world power and purveyor of ideals and…

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The Destiny of Nations: the One Sum Game (Beijing Review)

W020171011589484613211 br265What does it mean to have a destiny? And are we destined to know the truth of our own reason for existence, as individuals, as nations–as a race? These are the questions of the age–the Human Age–if we desire to go higher, and not merely expire.

With yet another UN General Assembly (UNGA 72) concluding, one that se our collective consciousness on “Focusing on People: Striving for Peace and a Decent Life for All on a Sustainable Planet,” perhaps it would be useful to look at the state of mankind under its current set of rules, games, conditions.

We seek nations united. In a world that…

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