David Scott Clegg

Author | Contributor | Transcendent Thinker

Articles for the Year 2014

Success in the 21st Century: Does Matter Still Matter? (CEO Magazine)

Success in the 21st Century Does Matter Still Matter

No regrets. Living one’s purpose. Leaving the world better than you found it. Being versus doing.

Are we prepared for what’s coming – what has already arrived? As a CEO, an entrepreneur, one who has traversed the planet time and again, I have found my life evolving in terms of terms, definitions, means of capturing the true meaning of life beyond physical means. It is the longest distance I have traveled, the one from my mind in its ‘infinite wisdom’ to the source of wisdom itself, my creativity that has fostered my success in the world as a leader, innovator – and most importantly, as a human being.

As fellows in the fraternity of successful practitioners, I have good news and bad.

Matter still matters. But it does not matter as much.

The accumulation of wealth still plays its part in the world. It drives opportunity for many. Money still remains a medium of value, a source for movement, influence. And there are many still chasing the dream of the material gain – more now than ever perhaps – as the doors to the ‘American way’ have swung open in India, China and other nations since the walls came crumbling down in the late 1980’s.

Yet for those of us who have achieved wealth, have built empires of various types and scales, we are beginning to see through to something greater at stake, something larger that is in play in the game of life. And it can be captured in the answer to three simple questions:

  1. Am I contributing in a meaningful way?
  2. Is what I’m doing having some measurable impact in improving the lives of others (be it family members, friends, colleagues, society at large)? And…
  3. Am I enjoying the journey? Which has everything to do with whom we surround ourselves.

Quality versus quantity. Striking a harmonic balance. Making a good living and living a good life.

Have we really cracked the code to success in the paths we have chosen? Is there a chink in the armor of man, a fear emerging that perhaps – just maybe – we have hit the target but missed the point? Do we find ourselves on the wrong side of the bell curve, having reached the law of diminishing return in our own lives?

Fortunately for us, we are masters of change, evolution, adept at exploring new frontiers, paving new ground. It is part of our DNA as a CEO. It is a matter of moving beyond mere matter – and going inside. Inside. The new frontier. That cavernous region of unknown knowns, and limitless potential. The place beyond mind but carrying with it a mindfulness.

We find this place when we move into the silence, and catch the prevailing winds of wisdom within. And there are many pathways to such.

Meditation, in its various forms.

Contemplation, through a variety of means.

A nice walk. A good run. Perhaps a scaling of a mountain beyond the one provided at the office – and the reward of greater perspective that so often accompanies it.

We do this already – connect within. We do this whenever we seek the source of our imagination, our creative center, alignment with a new idea or the answer to an old problem. We do this already, but usually unconsciously, automatically.

What I am proposing is that we get in greater alignment with our true selves – and that we do so on purpose. Strike a healthy balance; find greater meaning in our lives. There is an inherent risk in doing, being anything less. Perhaps captured best by one Persian poet and mystic from ancient times, Rumi once stated:

‘There is one thing in this world you must never forget to do. If you forget everything else and not this, there is nothing to worry about. But if you remember everything else and forget this, then you will have done nothing in your life.’



That is what awaits us all as we open up to a broader, more evolved definition of success. And then get about living it.

And if we’re not careful we may just crack the code on happiness itself.


The Common Core Standards: A Matter of One Nation

Huffington Post:  The Common Core Standards Post 250We the people… in order to form a more perfect union…’

There have been statements made throughout the history of the United States of America that have served in defining a nation bound together by certain beliefs, ideals, that forged a pathway, a blueprint for what it means to be free, and united in such cause. We Americans speak of freedom as equal to liberty – that is, a right or privilege — and held to account by the very nature of a republic, in action. A republic, ‘of the people, by the people and for the people.’ But does being free allow us the liberty to act as something other than a unified nation with a common set of intentions, principles, objectives – standards even? 

…to read the full article on Huffington Post, please click here. 

Why Asian Education is Better and Why It Is Not

Why Asian Education Post 250Huffington Post Article: Everywhere I go these days it seems I’m faced with the same question: what is wrong with America’s education system? The query is usually followed with a defining statement that Asian students are ‘kicking our butts’ on the international exams. The good news is, at least people in America are paying more attention to the global landscape. But are they correct? Is an Asian education better than a US one? 

…to read the full article on Huffington Post, please click here. 

Education, Education, Education and the Role We Play in Its Unfolding

Edu Edu Edu Blog Post 250Huffington Post Article: My daughter was five years old when she turned to her favorite stuffed animal during one of my many moments of distraction via the telephone and expressed with a veracity that only finds itself when we are present with the moment, “Education! Education! Education! All my daddy ever talks about is education!” This was, of course, followed by a most delightful little smirk, as the winds of greater wisdom came sweeping across her youthful yet deliberate face. It was a learning moment — for me.

I am an educator. This is true. Education has been where my passion has met with

…to read the full article on Huffington Post, please click here. 

Why Most Men Prefer the Shallow End of the Spiritual Pool

Shallow End Post 250Huffington Post Article Summary: At the risk of turning upside down my own awareness, and in the process exposing myself as a member of the male species, I am fascinated by the great divide that exists when one considers why it is precisely that women are far more comfortable exploring the depths of the unknown than men. This is not fable, but rather fact: plain truth. While we find more and more women willing to swim into the deep end of the pool of possibility, exploring further that which lies within, men conversely are often not. Feet planted firmly beneath them, the average male finds little need to tread into

…to read the full article on Huffington Post, please click here. 

A Father’s Day Tribute

Somewhere.To all who give of themselves to others in the form of a father, I offer you this…

We bow in gratitude. We rejoice in the knowing of your Loving. We seek to give this day in applause of your giving nature. We find sanctuary in your wisdom… Truth through your divine grace… ease through your guidance.

There exists in your eyes a rainbow. This rainbow tells the tale of a greater place within ourselves. It reveals to us our gift. It sits just beyond the known, the familiar…where the Known, the Familiar finds its home. And it is in the familiar… the family… co-authored through the grace of every father who gives of Himself through himself…that we may know ourselves better…and give of Ourselves to the world in kind.

Thank you, father. Thank you Father… for your giving nature, your nurture, your guidance and direction…across the bridge and to a place where blue birds soar. I soar this day because of You. And I sit in awe…awaiting the moment when I may know you once more…


Windows and Mirrors

Windows and MirrorsLife offers us a view, a gaze if one dare enter into such places unknown to the mind human. For there is a field within which may reveal to us the answers to the questions, even those yet to raised in consciousness; a place where Truth may be known. The master Rumi refers to such when sharing:

‘Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.’

How to enter the hallowed grounds can be a tricky tale indeed. For it requires of us that we dare to gaze, take a chance glance at romance, not the one captured in the fairy tales of the heart, but beyond the illusions and into where true Love resides. Whatever power governs this world, It has provided us with as many windows, as many mirrors as is required to see with clarity. The windows into the depths of the other; the mirrors as provided by so many, reflections of the greater truth of us. All are friends in our greater pursuit, the treasure hunt of the elusive, the Love within the love which beckons us all.

It is in our awareness of such, our attunement to such, our atonement with such, where we may find at-one-ment in such. Each embrace with another provides a mirror, and a window. It is ours for the choosing whether we maintain the courage required, which may only come from the essence of the word itself, le coeur, or ‘the heart’…the courage to see the many sides of us, merged as one central truth to be known. The windows provide passageway into the same through the the depths of the other.



Through me…

Through you…

To Him, Her, It in whatever form we choose to know That which breathes us all… beckons us so… to come home.

I will be there soon, perhaps not soon enough. Yet be there, I will.

I will meet you There.

The Hu-man Age

pathway rocks 250We have played witness to the ‘progressions’ of man. From agrarian form, through the mark of industry, and into the age where we are to be better informed. Yet what to do with such privilege, when what we seek in the material becomes less material, and what we require of the mysteries remains ever so much so.

There is a new age dawning. I know it as human. And its arrival would be simply divine.

For without an age where we may reason to something greater, something less is what we shoulder. We are in the midst, my Friends. There, just beyond the horizon, lay possibility…for greater loving, peace, joy — in Truth. The shores of our past content provides but discontent when given such gift as sight and insight. And there is no better means of seeing than through the spectacles of the current spectacles.

Life today is not alive. For doing is not being. And watching is not seeing.

I give you tomorrow. I humbly pry into its sacred chambers and see a new age in the unfolding. It is an age where we are simply being, simply knowing, simply living in the simplicity as loving witness in the unbridling of our youthful Spirit, our giving nature, our Goodness.

The time forthcoming is the time of a more Human Age; an age where we may remember – and in the process re-member – what it is to simply be Hu-man. And to embrace and not dis-Grace the mirrors who are our ‘brothers’ in either form.

It will be divine.
It will be Loving in its greatest manifest.
And it will be here…
When we choose in, choose, up, and choose often.

I have made my choice. And await Yours.