David Scott Clegg

Author | Contributor | Transcendent Thinker

Articles for the Year 2019

The Perfect Storm and Ed Reform (China Daily)

Change. The one constant in the continuation of all things. Indisputable, unavoidable that we as humanity must go through such transformations. It is part of the pattern of nature, of life, one we must endure to the end, with little choice in whether to weather change — only in how.

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Freedom and Liberty: A Matter of Right and Responsibility (China Daily)

0X6A4590 250x165Freedom. Liberty. Synonyms. But not the same. Limited by our own filters, distanced by degrees of definition, action.

Freedom, by definition, is “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint”. And liberty as defined is simply “the state of being free; the power or scope to act as one pleases”.

Sounds similar by definition. Yet this is not what defines the essence of freedom…

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The Essential Skills for Any Century (Huffington Post)

Essential Skills for Any Century 25021st century skills. Throughout the world, we are talking about 21st century skills as if these particular skills have found their place in this particular time in the evolution of humanity. For those less familiar, the skills I speak of include: communication, collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, adaptability. There are more, but these are generally agreed upon as the skills required to navigate the waters of the 21st century. And they represent more than merely the skills required for this century. These are the essentials skills for any century – including the period currently in play…

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Challenges We Face as Sister Cities, Brother Nations (China Daily)

What is the purpose of life but to live? And what is the destiny of humanity but to understand our relativity — to ourselves, to one another, to the nature of all things? For through the complexity of our diversity lay threads of simplicity. It is simply our fate to relate, to cooperate, to innovate to elevate.

And the simple truth that life exists for this reason among few others…

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Defining Community (Beijing Review)

Beijing ReviewCommunication and collaboration—the ability to listen, understand, then do something meaningful with the information provided through openness and exchange—has been fundamental to the growth and development of the individual, societies, and humanity. It remains so still. This reality is at the center of the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations (CDAC), their histories, cultural interactions, challenges and opportunities as Asian nations. Under the auspices of President Xi Jinping, China seeks to build a community with a shared future for humanity.

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